WIP: INQ28 The Chapel Warband, part 1

Remember my hobby resolutions for 2017? I do and I can’t remember anything about a INQ28 Warband on the lists but here I am. Stay on target. Stay on target. Naw, I rather chase this flickering beast we know as creativity. 

I dropped a sneak peak the other day and Rory asked for more pictures of the model I’ve been working on. Here they are. No moody black and white pictures this time but full colour WIP shots. 

INQ28 The Chapel Horrors of the Undergrowth Warband

INQ28 The Chapel Horrors of the Undergrowth Warband

INQ28 The Chapel Horrors of the Undergrowth Warband

INQ28 The Chapel Horrors of the Undergrowth Warband

INQ28 The Chapel Horrors of the Undergrowth Warband
I hope you like it. 

20 thoughts on “WIP: INQ28 The Chapel Warband, part 1

      1. You drank concrete too? Cool. My folks only gave me terpintine and barbed wire. I turned out ok though.

        I’m doing some renovation/construction work on our new house, so yeah – I drilled a hole and picked up the dust. Waste not.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I was pumped when he said he’d like me to contribute. I was one of those kids who never got picked to do anything at school. Cue the violins. Later I learnt to bully my way in to doing whatever I wanted haha. Then I gre wiser and thought screw the crowd man! Anyway I’m very excited to be a part of anything to do with converting little plastic dudes hehe. I was envious last year with the whole pilgrim thing over at Iron Sleet.

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      2. The Pilgrym was so freaking cool, I wanted to do something (a npc at least) but never got around to it. So when Heresy of Us dropped the Chapel I was like, hell yeah, I’m in.

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  1. Mate that is looking the business! It’s right on the money for The Chapel project. As for what’s expected for the project I’ll be posting later today with details and those who have been asked to contribute. I have big plans and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Very inspired work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers! I’m very pleased with it.

      The white arm was made by glueing thin plasticard rods together at one end and just jamming them into a plasticard pipe. I bent them in different ways to give them more movement. The Green tentacles are made by just rolling Green Stuff into sausages. Really nothing to it.

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