Paint job: Thousand Sons Spawn conversion

It’s a bird lizard thing with a sword and an axe – blessed be Tzeentch. Or cursed. I’m not a fan of the official Spawn model but Spawn are actually quite interesting. No less so in 9th edition.

Here is my take on what a Tzeentch/Thousand Sons Spawn might look like. I hope you like it.

The model is towering above Rubric Marines and look … well, weird.

The paint job is me experimenting with Contrast paints. Blending was never been easier. I wanted the model to pop on the table top. I think it will.

Not much more to say. I’m rather pleased with the little creature and can’t wait to finish its five siblings. That will be a sight to see.

Take care!

18 thoughts on “Paint job: Thousand Sons Spawn conversion

    1. Cheers! To be honest, I mixed a lot of techniques here, which helped the contrast. Just contrast looks a bit rushed and half done. But it is a good tool in the tool box.


      1. I agree. I’ll try and get it done. I’m going to a tournament next week so I’ll shoot that part of the army for sure.


    1. Cheers! Glad you like it.

      Due to the complete randomness of the lump of limbs and faces mini, I find that I lacks character. It is just mutation but without any finesse.


  1. I both do and don’t like the official spawn miniature, it has a weird charm to it that appeals to me but objectively speaking it’s just a bit of a lump isn’t it? This is much more Tzeentchian, it really looks like something that would step out of the god of madness and magic’s realm.

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